Growth Solutions

Growth capital financing

Available in the forms of debt or equity, growth capital is a critical resource for companies seeking to finance transformational events in their lifecycle. Our fund is strategically focused on debt products designed to support such growth.

Companies that leverage growth capital are typically more mature than those backed by venture capital. They are capable of generating revenue and operating profits, or at least maintaining minimal losses. However, they often lack the cash flow necessary to fund significant expansions, acquisitions, or other investments.

In the absence of alternative capital sources, these companies turn to growth capital. This becomes an essential lifeline for them to pursue key initiatives such as facility expansion, sales and marketing efforts, equipment purchases, and new product development.

Beyond its role in growth, capital can also be instrumental in company restructuring and balance sheet optimization. It can be specifically utilized to reduce the company’s leverage, thereby improving the health of the balance sheet. This strategic use of growth capital underscores its importance in the lifecycle of a company.

Let us set you up for steady expansion…


Accelerate Growth

Limited Dilution

Enhance Liquidity

Increase Valuation

Retention of Management Control

Flexible Terms

VC Sponsorship Not Needed


Accelerate Growth: Growth capital provides capital for growth.

Limited Dilution: Compared to equity, growth capital is less dilutive.

Enhance Liquidity: Growth capital can increase liquidity in a startup by providing the necessary funds for strategic investments and operations, thereby enhancing cash flow and financial flexibility.

Increase Valuation: Growth capital allows companies to grow revenues and increase valuation.

Retention of Management Control: Compared to equity, growth capital allows the management team and ownership to retain management control as growth capital products require limited ownership interest in the company.

Flexible Terms: Growth capital products do not require an abundance of collateral or profitability. We take a more holistic approach to lending and concentrate primarily on future operating plans.

VC Sponsorship Not Needed: Growth capital does not require venture capital investment or any institutional investment, unlike many banks and venture debt providers. 

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